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The FeedbackRE corpus extends the GRE3D3 (Dale & Viethen, 2009) and the b5-ref (Paraboni et. al, 2017) corpora, containing descriptions elicited under conditions with and without (automated and human) feedback. 

For details, please see this readme file and the above link.

GRE3D3 corpus

Robert Dale and Jette Viethen (2009). Referring expression generation through attribute-based heuristics. 12th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Athens, Greece, pp.58-65.

b5-ref corpus:

b5-ref corpus
Ivandre Paraboni, Danielle Sampaio Monteiro, and Alex Gwo Jen Lan (2017). Personality-dependent Referring Expression Generation. Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD-2017) LNAI 10415. Prague, Czech Republic, pp.20-28. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-64206-2_3.

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